

Hello, my name is Julia

Learn Fail Learn

by | Sep 3, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I have been struggling to learn to code over the last year. I started in late 2021 with the goal to learn javaScript but I must admit that things are not going well. This is not the first time that I studied remotely and while my other studies went well this is much harder than I thought it would be. So why the difference? When I looked back on my previous studies one thing that struck me is that all the courses had a clearly defined timeline with deadlines. This was a crucial step that I did not consider when I started this and now that I am a few months into the project I realise that this is an issue that I must address.  

The second motivator that makes a significant impact is accountability. With online courses, you are only accountable to yourself and for me at least having a community that encourages and helps drive one another forward is a crucial part of success.  

With all of this in mind, it is time to push the reset button and take what I have learned so far and create clear goals and timelines for all the self-paced learning that I want to do. In addition to this I think joining an online study group is going to be helpful to get that community around me where we can hold one another accountable and drive our learning forward.